
January 24-25, 2025 ARS Train Show - The Big A - West Springfield, MA 9am - 5pm
March 8, 2025 – Brick Elks
March 23, 2025 – Wayne PAL - 9a - 2p
March 29-30, 2025 – Edison 9-5

About Us

Northern New Jersey N-Trak is a non-profit incorporated organization formed in 1988 by eleven N scalers for the purposes of:
  • Stimulating interest and providing education in both model railroading and full-size railroading
  • Promoting N-scale
  • Providing an organization where members can learn a needed skill from fellow members
  • Setting up N-Trak layouts at train shows and other public events  (and running model trains on these layouts).
NNJ N-Trak uses the same N-Trak standards that are used by over 2000 N-scale hobbyists in the U.S. and other countries. These standards were established in 1973 to allow N-scale hobbyists to make modules that can be joined together to form large layouts. In 2000 at the National Edison, NJ NTrak Northeast show, a world record was set with a layout of approximately 66 scale miles. That record was broken in 2004 at the National NTRAK Convention in Chantilly, VA, and again in Louisville, KY in 2008.

NNJ N-Trak usually does four to six public displays a year. We meet monthly to conduct organizational business, work on modules, run trains on the modular layout we have set up, and talk and exchange ideas about shows and hobby tips. Members also have access to our growing library of videos, magazines, and other NRAIL organization newsletters.

Members are not required to build a module; only to have an interest in the hobby and a willingness to participate with the organization. All skills are welcome and needed to keep our organization operating smoothly.

NNJ N-Trak has recently expanded to include "T-TRAK" modules.

Our "home base" is located in the Paterson Museum - the former Rogers Locomotive Erecting Shops. The Thomas Rogers Building/Paterson Museum is located at 2 Market Street in Paterson, N.J

Annual dues are currently $36.00 per year (that's only $3.00 per month!) for general members and include membership to NRAIL. Junior and Associate memberships are also available for $15.00 per year.

President - Dave Ferrari
Vice President - Dirk Nieuwdorp
Secretary - Dave Elwell
Treasurer - Pat O'Connor

We've designed our site to provide helpful information about our club and activities.
The N-TRAK approach to model railroading makes it easy for anyone to get started in this wonderful hobby.

You can contact us by the following methods:

Dave Ferrari, President -
mrgigabyte at yahoo dot com

Also reach us via e-mail at

Or stop by and say hello at one of our events!