
January 24-25, 2025 ARS Train Show - The Big A - West Springfield, MA 9am - 5pm
March 8, 2025 – Brick Elks
March 23, 2025 – Wayne PAL - 9a - 2p
March 29-30, 2025 – Edison 9-5

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Atlantic City N-Scale Gathering - April 27-29, 2018

Another successful show!

The weather was dicey on the drive down Friday for setup, first rain and then fog, but as I neared the
Atlantic City parkway exit the sun broke out!!

When I arrived at the Atlantic County 4-H complex, conveniently located in South Egg Harbor between
the White Horse Pike and the Black Horse Pike, Ray Chaffee and Patrick O were already there and the
tables were set up!  Once the table covers arrived, the setup crew, including Brian and Dave F, and a bit later
Mike M and Dirk, got to work.

The room was easily filled with the 4 N-Trak layouts (Keystone, Brooklyn, Central Jersey, and New Jersey Southern),
the 4-H T-Trak layout, and our NNJ T-Trak layout, plus vendors around the perimeter of the room, so none of the
layouts was full sized!

The 4-H club men women and youths, were excellent hosts, and even included a hot & cold buffet at a nominal
price Saturday afternoon. The show wrapped up Sunday after Erik gathered the participants so that Mike W
could take a group photo.

The T-Trak layout was 32' x 12', using 16 2'x8' tables to form the shape of  a capital "E" laid on it's back, and included
8 outside corners and 4 inside corners.  The Yellow line was broken into 2 loops, the smaller of them being
reserved for running analog.  I'm told that our layout included 53 modules, but there were numerous spare modules
on display inside the layout, or stored out of the way, outside in vehicles, or just left home!  The layout included
numerous interesting modules from members of other clubs.

Saturday saw more operating crew arrive, including Phil, Mike W, Frank, Chet Moore and Konrad Richter.  Mike S
came to run Sunday.  The layout had enough space surrounding it for spectators to walk all the way around, and
numerous young people were welcomed as guest engineers to run participants' trains!  At one point I counted 7
trains running at once (6 DCC)!  Sunday was crowded!

I think that Frank ran more trains than the next three operators combined!! 

The T-trak layout belonging to the 4-H members has seen significant progress since last year.

And all without a single puff of O-Scale smoke!!   :D

Submitted by Brian H.

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